Sunday, August 3, 2014

Fiona's first four letters

 So having embossed my paper and cut my squares I have started to write my alphabet.

I was thinking of words as memories of our time in New York City and sometimes I found it hard to choose which memory to use!  Here are my first four.

A - the Apple store. It is such an iconic building and a whizz-bang kind of experience. It feels like an "only in New York" kind of place.

B - Bagels. we love bagels and where we stay is just around the corner from one of the best bagel stores in the city. We visit every day.

C - Centra Park, what can I say? A magical place and last time we were there, a winter wonderland of white beauty.

D - Downtown, we head there a lot!


  1. Nice!! Love these and I agree Fiona, the Apple store there is a real experience!

  2. Ah New York! it's lovely to be taken on a tour of the city where we lived for two years.


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